8 Best Diabetes Exercises to Lower Your Blood Sugar 2021

In today's article will talk about some best and easy-to-do exercises for diabetic patients. In diabetic patients, exercises do a lot of good, like due to exercise, insulin metabolizes sugars better. Other than that, pumping of the heart improves because the blood flow in the body improves, the functioning of the lungs improves due to exercise. The patient gets better sleep. Stress levels also reduce due to exercises. And these things give lots of benefits to a diabetic patient.
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels


 So the first exercise is walking. Every day 30 minutes to 1 hour of a brisk walk, i.e. walking at a fast pace, gives lots of benefits to the patient like the patient's blood pressure remains nearly normal, the stress level decreases. If you go for a walk every morning, your lungs will also get lots of benefits like getting fresh and pure air every day. And one more important advantage of walking is that it's completely free. You don't need a gym membership or any costly equipment. So this is also one more advantage of walking.


 The second exercise is gardening. If you involve properly in gardening, then it's also a perfect type of exercise. In gardening, you have to walk, bend, kneel, and sometimes have to dig a pit, you have to cut grasses, and sometimes you have to lift pots. And all are these are perfect types of aerobic activities and strength training activities. So that's why gardening is also a good type of exercise. And one more advantage of gardening is that Your stress levels decrease because you work with plants and trees, So gardening is also considered a perfect type of exercise. 

3.yoga and Pranayam

The third is yoga and Pranayam. Yoga and Pranayam also help in lowering blood sugar levels, blood pressure, obesity, cholesterol levels. All these decreases. Also, Yoga and Pranayam improve immunity, improve strength, flexibility, and balance, and Yoga and Pranayam also help improve concentration. But an important point you should remember is that Yoga and Pranayam should always be done after learning from a well-qualified yoga teacher; otherwise, you can injure your body.

4.climbing the stairs up and down

 Fourth, climbing the stairs up and down in your home is also a perfect type of exercise. Climbing the stairs up and down improves the pumping of the heart. The blood flow in the body improves. So this is also a good type of exercise. But the point to remember is that diabetic patient who is overweight or has pain in their knees, in their joints. These patients should avoid climbing the stairs up and down. This you should be careful of. 


The fifth exercise is Cycling. And Cycling is very is in fashion in public. And 30 minutes to 1 hour of Cycling will give lots of benefits to your lungs and the heart. And one more advantage of Cycling is that Cycling has a shallow impact on the joints of the Lower Limb. So in patients with minor joint problems, who have minor problems in their lower limb joints. These patients can do Cycling easily and regularly. These are the benefits of Cycling.


 Next is Dancing. Thirty minutes to 1 hour of dancing every day controls blood sugar levels. The dancing stress levels of your body also decrease. And if you dance with your partner or your kids, then you can enjoy it even more. And if you don't know dancing, you can also join a good dance class, and you can learn some popular forms like nowadays Zumba is in fashion. So in this way, you can do aerobic activities, and also you can reduce your stress level. So this also what you can do.

7.strength training exercises

 Next are strength training exercises. In strength training exercises, the muscles of your bodywork against any resistance. Resistance like your own body weight or against any kind of equipment like dumbbells or resistance bands, i.e. against these resistances, your body works. You can do these exercises in your home like you can do push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and if it's possible, you can also do Chin-ups. And you can also do this with equipment like dumbbells, and you can also take memberships of a gym for strength training exercises. But do aerobic activities at least twice a week along with these exercises. Eighth, you can play any team sport daily. If you get bored doing exercises every day. Then you can play sports like badminton, tennis, table tennis. These kinds of sports, you can join and play daily. But before finalizing your sport, you should consult your doctor. It would help if you considered your age, body weight, and any comorbidities. If you have any other disease and diabetes, then finalize the sport only after considering the above factors. This you should always remember.


 Next, swimming is also a good type of exercise And; swimming has an additional advantage that your upper limb and lower limb get simultaneously involved in it. And due to this, you can lose a lot of calories. And one more advantage Of swimming is that it has a low impact on the joints. It's a type of joint-friendly exercise. But you should always remember, when join swimming, you should always inform the lifeguard of the swimming pool about your diabetic status. This you should remember. And last, if you have an option, then you can join Tai Chi classes. It will also help in improving your strength, coordination, and balance. So this was some knowledge related to exercises. So be healthy, have control over your blood sugar levels. Thank you, Take care.
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