5 Books To Read In Lock down 2021

5 Books To Read In Lock down 2021

As you can see the title before we move ahead and talk about the five books that you should read during the lockdown, and you should also suggest your friends and family members read. Let me tell you that all of these books are tried and tested, which means I have read all of these books, and I'm telling you with my own experience that these are the books that you all should definitely read.  Right and also please do share about these books with your friends and family let everyone around you read these books because. They are really very important  life-changing and really very impactful right so let us quickly begin and explore.

 Still, before that, there is a beautiful quote, and they say that a little reading is all the therapy a person needs sometimes.  Books and plants are man's best friend they neither complain nor demand so books and plants are something that we should always have all around us and um you know they are something that teaches us a lot there's something that is with us in our goods and pads they are something that helps us to grow to evolve and become a better version of
  Ourselves right, so keep reading, keep growing, and keep exploring.

Here are top 5 books that one can read while sitting at home.

Five books that you should read during the long term. so what are the five reasons that you should read about, so number one is it.  Helps to improve the brain function it reduces stress it can improve your state of mind it improves overall wellness and reading aloud to children has a lasting impact so as I told you, they are your best friends they help you to evolve they help you to learn they help you to grow they help you to become a better person, and this is even scientifically proven that reading helps to develop your Personality a lot you become a foresighted person you become more thoughtful you become calm patient, and you also become observant so read.


 The first book that all of you must read is grit by angela Duckworth again it has been the new york times bestseller, and it is a book that really helps you to find your passion It makes you passionate whatever what do you mean by grit what do you mean by great grit is in simple words is to find your drive to find your passion and this book tells us that grit has five characteristics that are courage, conscientiousness, perseverance, resilience, and passion please go and read this book it can become a little boring in the beginning but as you go on. 
Reading go on reading it really hooks you it you know touches you and it shakes you up that you need to wake up and smell the coffee right now that I know there are many many other books which might be better according to you than the five books that I am going to suggest to you or they might be more fascinating than the five books that I'm going to suggest to you they can and that can be true as well, but I'm telling you these five books which I have read, I have applied, and I have really, really, you know, found my calling. I have really found my drive, my grid. It has really helped me a lot, right so? The grid is one of the books that you should definitely read during the long term. Book number two is my most favorite.  Again, I have recommended this book to so many people, even in Vedanta, and they have read it, and they are really enjoying the book.
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya from Pexels


 so ikigai by hector Gracia and Francis mirabilis is again the international bestseller, a wonderful, wonderful book.  Which really gives you the true meaning of life. I'll tell you a little bit about this book, so this book is a research on the people in the Japanese village of Okinawa where the age of the people is mostly like more than 90 percent of the people over there life beyond the age of 1900. These two researchers went to that place, and they researched that why do people.  Live so long over there, and they found out the secrets to a happy and long life. 

Let's see what this book tells us so it tells you what you love, what the world needs, what you can pay for uh what you can be paid for, and what you are good at, and that is ikigai, so go find your ikigai go find the book called kiki guy and understand that what are the secrets what are the tips to a happy and long-lasting life see a long life doesn't need to be a happy life some people end their long lives beyond the age of 90-95 on the hospital beds in um you know in an old age home or on the streets or out of sickness we don't want a long life which is diseased
Or disturbed or you know stained we want a life that is happy and full of contentment, and that is what you learn from ikigai .I just tell you one fact one research tip which these people learned from the people of Toshiba and that is that whenever you learn something new whenever you learn anything new, it adds moments to your life.  If you want to live longer and healthier every day, try to learn at least two things new even science has proven that whenever you learn something new, there are new neural connections that are made in your brain it helps you to become more intelligent, so learn at least two new things every day they can be anything they can be learning a new recipe they can be watching a new youtube video they can be reading something new they can be knowing a new fact anything but try to try to know at least two new things everyday right and more about it you will learn from the book ikigai so go buy that copy of ikigai and read it.

The secret

 let us look at the third book The secret this is a book that has literally in every sense changed the world.  It has been tried, tested, implemented, and experienced by me multiple times in life. As the name of the book's title, the secret, suggests, it is actually a secret. It is the magical secret of conquering the universe. It is the magical secret of becoming what you want to become it is the magical secret of having the entire world.  And it's far at your fingertips. The secret is a book that tells you how powerful your brain is to get whatever you want in life, even if that is having castles in the air. Just by thinking about it tells you the true potential of manifestation, only thinking about it.  

The secret is a book which I tell you to go read make your parents read make your grandparents read to meet your siblings read make your neighbors read even make the vegetable seller who comes near your home every day read this is a book that each and every human being on this planet should read the secret this book is actually magic it shows you your true potential it shows you today how by sitting on that so far.  Sitting on that couch, sitting on the chair, sitting on that bed today, you can become a billionaire just by thinking about it. I don't want to steal away the thunder of the book. Go read your own copy, right? There are also documentaries of this book available online. There are also movies on Netflix, Amazon, and so many other ott platforms you can Even watch them or just simply read it right. It is magical. The book is literally magical, right? Please do read. I mean, this is on the top of the list., 

The alchemist

 let us see book number four, and on number four, we have again one of the very, very magical books that are the alchemist it teaches you how you can live in the present how you can enjoy every moment of life it teaches you how Magical and powerful, you are right, and a happy and content soul is actually everything that a person needs today, whether you are doing a nine-to-five job or whether you are a businessman or whether you are a millionaire or a multi-millionaire or you are a film star, or you are just you know just a common man or you are a politician, or you are you know anything basic or extraordinary the ultimate goal of every human being.  Is to find content and happiness there is a difference between happiness and joy you know the excitement, you know like when you're jumping up and down and dancing and laughing that's the excitement that is joy happiness is when you're at peace, and every human being is working for that whether you're trying to collect gadgets, and today you bought you know a normal a hatchback car and Then you bought a sedan, and then you bought an SUV. You know you are collecting first you are in a studio apartment, then one bhk 2 bhk 3 bhk, then a villa. Then you know you buy an island or whatever you go on collecting collecting collecting collecting in search of happiness this science psychology human researchers everyone has proven that these are the ultimate goals of  A human that is content and happiness and these books like the alchemist the secret guy they tell you what real happiness and contentment is don't worry it is not going to make you turn into a monk and renounce the world. Just say that meditate, and you know to spend my life remembering god. N,o it's not that it's finding your grit.  It's enjoying what you're doing every day. It's getting up, waking up in the morning, and looking forward to going to work. It's putting your hundred percent in doing something you know, uh, I have this philosophy of life that whenever you're doing something you either do it with your hundred percent, or you don't do it because if you're giving a 99 or If you're giving your 98, you're doing injustice to yourself and to the task; you're wasting your time and energy. Also, you are not going to do the task properly, so don't do it after some time when you're ready to give your 100 either do it with your complete heart and soul; otherwise, don't do it right, so the argument tells you that it.  Is a straightforward yet emotional story that holding the truth about dreams and desires. It strongly shows how our soul and everything we say or do is actually connected to the universe. The book beautifully shows the studio for young boy Santiago and his claims again Paulo cohen he's one of my most favorite authors I've almost read all the books by Paulo cohen and the alchemist is one of his finest works.  So go and enjoy this book. With that, I come to the last book, and that is again a bestseller it has been the spare it has been again best sellers and uh over 70 years in the print the first and still the best book of its kind the only book you need to lead you to is how to win success and influence people guys today you are student tomorrow you become professionals you go into the

Professional world some of you might become you know employees, some of you might become employers, some of you might become business people some of you might just work for yourself some of you might be freelancers some of you might become models, actors, artists, sportsperson anything but you will be around people right the pandemic is not going to last forever let me tell you the days are going.  Back are going to come back to normal we will interact with people. We will need people around us. The man is a social animal. He needs people, right, so why not deal with people in a way that is for your benefit? Now, being a little diplomatic is very important; always be,, you know, being blunt or telling people whatever you're feeling right on the face is not.  Always correct sometimes can even land you in problems, so it is important to be diplomatic. Sometimes it is also important to make the people hear what they want to hear right you are not doing anything wrong, but you are just preventing someone from getting hurt,

How to win friends and influence people

 and the book how to win friends and influence people helps you understand that earlier.  In life, you know how to deal with people the easier it will be for you to climb the ladder of success right because this is a world where uh you know, good communication skills, diplomacy being politically correct, and all that works I'm very, very honest with you, but you all need to read this right, so this book tells you that this is just a Summary of the book that is genuinely interested in other people show or you know listen to someone don't hear when people are talking listen to them smile it's the golden gift remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and the most important sound in any language be a good listener talk in terms of other person's interests make the other person feel important and Do it sincerely, so go and read this book. It is really going to change your life. It is really going to change the way you deal with people it is going to definitely improve your relationship with your friends with your family with your siblings with your cousins with your grandparents. With each and every person around you so go and read it so whether it is great.  The alchemist ikigai how to be trans or infinite how to make friends and influence people or the top of the list the secret I really request you, please go and read all of these books they are really going to change your mind, yeah the monk who sold this Ferrari is also one of them a book which you all should read honestly I have not read that book because I tried to But I could not finish it , so go and read these five books and let me know your experience with them. We meeting very soon live on Instagram, so follow me on Instagram. Do not forget that, an. With, I would also like to tell you that geniuses read very quickly. The average reading speed of an ordinary man is 230 words per minute and which is about.  Two pages, so see whether you can read so quickly. Apart from that.
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