Distinction Between S500 and S400 Defence System

In this article, we will quickly understand what's the difference between the Russian S 500 and S 400 missile defense systems? And then we will also understand why it took Russia so much time to produce the S- 400 system. And in the end, I'll tell you a little bit about Russia China ties, which is often very confusing It is not what it looks like. So we'll try to understand what are the options both the countries have against each other. As you can see, the number 500 is the successor of the S- 400 missile defense system. To be more precise instead of the word successor, you can say that the S- 500 system is an evolved version of the S- 400 system. I already have a video in which I have explained how the S- 400 system works. If you have watched that video, you would know that there are four components of the Russian advanced military hardware.



At first, there is a long-range surveillance radar. Then there is a command vehicle. After that, there is an engagement radar and finally, you have the launch vehicle itself. Now, in this new S 500 system, everything is the same. Except there are a few upgrades You will find those upgrades in the launch vehicle Then there are some upgrades in the radar and then there are some necessary software updates. That is how we say that the S- 500 system is an evolved version of the S- 400 system. 



Similarly, even the S- 400 system was the successor of the S- 300 system, which was developed in the late 1970s during the Soviet era. So, like this, it went on. There is a call sign for the S- 400 system. It is called Prometheus, named after a Greek God. So the basic difference between both the S 400 S 400 system is that while they are both surface to air missile systems as 400 system is designed to detect slower and lower flying targets that are mostly within the Earth's atmosphere.



In other words, endo-atmospheric targets like drones, helicopters, planes, fighter aircraft cruise missiles, and smaller ballistic missiles have shot a range and velocity. On the other hand, the S 400 system is designed to detect and destroy targets that are outside the Earth's atmosphere. In other words, exoatmospheric targets like long-range ICBMs, then hypersonic missiles and light vehicles then satellites, and even stealth aircraft like F 22 F 35. That means here the S- 400 systems radar has a much longer as well as higher range. The international space station is located at an altitude of around 400 km. A long-range ballistic missile goes even higher than this. That means even the ISS can be detected by the S- 400 and S- 400 systems. In 2018, Russia conducted the world's longest surface-to-air missile test, using the S- 500 striking a target of nearly 4.82 km away. The S 500 can launch several types of interceptors four different types of missiles. These include the 40 n six M, which is an upgraded version Of the 40 N six. E, which is used in the S 400 system S 400 system uses the 40 N six M missiles, which has a range of about 400 kilometers. That can be used against aircraft and cruise missiles. The S 400 system is also equipped with the new 77 n six and 77 n six and one missiles that are meant to counter ballistic missiles warheads and satellites.


Will Russia sell S500 to India or China


 These two missiles have a maximum flight speed of 3600 m per second, which can intercept ballistic missiles at an altitude of 200 to 3 50 kilometers. The None type has a higher maximum combat altitude and is mainly used against low orbit satellites, which include ICBMs and hypersonic targets or any other aerial object that flies over the speed of Mark Five.


So these two are new types of missiles that are used in the S- 400 different system. Both of these can be fitted with a warhead to destroy incoming nuclear missiles. The SS finds its system can also simultaneously track And target up to 10 missiles, each flying at a speed of over 5700 km/h. The Russian defense industry has also claimed that the S 400 system will also be able to fire the 53 T six m missile, which is the navel hypersonic interceptor that can reach a top speed of 14,400 kilometers per hour or mark 14. So here is the side-by-side overview of missiles that are used by the S- 400 and as 500 different systems. The S- 500 is also capable of launching missiles that are currently used by the S- 400 system. The command and radar system of the S 400 air defense system is also more complex.



It is equipped with 96 l six radar, which is an all altitude surveillance radar. Then it also has 91 n six a.m. long-range surveillance radar and then 7 66 engagement radar. Here's the side-by-side overview of Riddles that are used by the S- 400 and S 500 different systems. The S- 400 systems radar is more advanced compared to the S- 400. And by the way, the S 400 system is also equipped with the new active faced added radar system That can detect ballistic missiles at a distance of 2000 km. A faced added radar system is the type of antenna which is computer-controlled, and this antenna emits a beam of radio waves and the radio waves can be moved in any direction without moving the anti-nationals. If you look at the Duga one radar, even that is an arid radar. And it was one of the most powerful military radars built during the Soviet era.


About The Radar of S400 and S500


It acted as a missile defense early warning radar network. But the S 400 system has a much more compact and computer-controlled version. You can see the similar working principle of an added radar in civilian applications like medical ultrasound imaging scandals, oil and gas prospecting, and military sonar systems. Now, if you see the first batch of S- 400 came in 2007, Russia began developing the S- 500 system in 2010. Then why is It that the first batch of S five 100 came out in 2021? That means it looks like Russians must have purposely delayed the S 500 induction so that the production Lines are available for the S 400 exports. At present, countries such as China, India, and Turkey have introduced 400 air different systems in their forces and they are also showing interest in purchasing the S- 400 system. See basically, missile different systems are intended to protect the country against incoming missiles like I, C. B. M s cruise missiles or any other type of guided missiles.


The Part Of US


The United States, Russia, India, France, Israel, Italy, the United Kingdom, and China have all developed missile defense systems. But if you look at countries like China and India, while they do have their missile defense system, but they have still invested in a Russian as 400 system. So why is it that? And the answer is very simple. Russian military hardware, research, and development are very superior. Plus, Russia has its political interests and at the same time, Russia also needs money. If you look at Russia's economy, it is not that strong. Russia is more than twice as large as the United States, and the population is also very educated. But if you see the Russian GDP, it is not even in the top 10. Russia makes most of its money by selling oil and gas and then military arms and weapons, while Russia also needs money to run its economy.


But they have also developed rapidly in science and technology if the purpose of China is to buy Russian weapons to protect itself against the United States and also India. Similarly, India buys Russian weapons to protect itself against China and its notorious stepchild. Plus, if you look at it from the point of view of Russia, if both India and China are the two biggest economies in the whole of Asia if they both are clients of Russia, who do you think Russia finds more reliable and trustworthy? It is not China. If you look at China's Shenyang J 11 fighter aircraft, it is a Chinese copy of the Russian Sukhoi 27. Of course, China had the license, but they changed the name and copied it as it is. Even India has the Sukhoi 30 MK II, even India, about the entire unit's license and locally produced it. But then, if you see India did not change the name, it is still Sukhoi 30 MK I. It's just that I stand for in this key, meaning India.



Russia has been China's biggest arms supplier between 2014 and 2018. China has been reverse engineering or if I can say copying everything from aircraft engines Sukhoi planes, deck jets, air different systems, portable air defense missiles, and analog of the panther medium range surface to air systems. Russia sold six of its S 400 anti-aircraft systems and 24 of its Su 35 fighter jets to China in 2015. For $5 billion you will notice China never buys anything in bulk. It just takes a few samples and tries to copy or reverse engineer it This is called theft of technology. Even the Russians have accused China of this, of course, even to reverse engineer, you need intelligence, so we'll give credit to China for that. So there's not anything more than that. That is whether she also suspended the S 400 delivery to China. Plus, I think Russia will not give like 400 to China.



Even if China puts a request, it is simply because of China's nature. You can't expect honesty and ethics from China. which means if Russia gives us 400 to China, they very well know that the Chinese will copy that as well. So if you see Both China and India have expressed interest in buying the S 400 system from Russia, and you may also hear Russia saying that we consider China, India, or any other country as prospective buyers. But deep inside, even the Russians know who to trust. And that is not China in today's world, competing against your technology. And that, too, in the lucrative arms trade is never a good thing. Chinese copies will make the technology easily available, and that will be a disaster tomorrow. So you see, Russia and China are not exactly allies. They may have similar interests, or you can say they are helpless and share their hatred for the United States.



But they are not natural allies. This means if today Russia sells any military hardware to China, Russia thinks that it knows how to control China. One of the options that Russia has is to cut oil supplies, coal supplies, and other minerals to China so that China behaves how Russia wants. Similarly, Russia's economy depends on the sale of oil and gas, military hardware, and minerals. If China also decides to play the same game, or who knows they are playing it and at the same time, China tries to copy Russian military hardware. Do you think Russia would like to be in that position and get dominated by China? So Russia has to think in advance and then make decisions? That is how I believe Russia will not share its cutting-edge technology with China because today's closeness will become tomorrow's geo strategic challenge. And if you see it is also important for India how Russian planets move with China because Russia and China have one same objective, and that is to challenge American hegemony.



And then Russia has great relations with India, India, and China has grudges against each other, and then India also maintains good relations with America. So these two are against us and us against them in between. India has good relations with the U. S. And Russia, and it also does business with China So one country doing so much diplomacy is a true sign of a sovereign nation because if you're not a sovereign nation, you will not be able to maintain relations with all the Big Five countries. A nonsovereign nation usually gets thrown around and is forced to take sides I hope you find this article informative.

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