India's difficulties in Indian ocean region & border debates with China

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In this article, we'll try and understand India's challenges in the Indian Ocean region and its border disputes with China. With the help of a map, I will show you the trade routes of China because China is the world's largest manufacturing economy and exporter of goods. So naturally, China is proud of its economy and it is also its economic power, through which China takes control of foreign lands and territories. First I will show you the maritime trade routes. It starts from the South China Sea then Malika straight than the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea. From here it goes into the Gulf countries and European countries. One more route is through the Pacific Ocean way, which is not India's concern. But for the information's sake, I'm telling you now let me show you the land trade route which is also known as China's Belt and Road Initiative It is also called the New Silk Road.

The road passes through the Xinjiang province in China and then enters into these Central Asian countries, then through Iran and Kazakhstan. It can access Middle Eastern and European markets. That means Xinjiang is China's bridge to Central Asian middle Eastern and European markets. Now there is another route called the China Pakistan Economic Corridor that passes through Pakistan occupied Kashmir and goes through Pakistan till dig or other support. Then there is another route called the China Myanmar Economic Corridor that passes through Myanmar and reaches Myanmar's support in Jack Pugh and Sittwe From here, the sea route connects with China's maritime route in the Indian Ocean, so these are the land and sea trade routes of China. Now, look at Sri Lanka's Hambantota Colombo seaports. Hambantota seaport is practically a Chinese support. The Sri Lankan government has given the sport to the Chinese on lease for 99 years because the Sri Lankan government is unable to pay the Chinese loan.


China and it is future plan

Now there are reports which say that the Chinese would like to extend the lease to a further 99 years So this is called debt-trap diplomacy, which means I'll give you money fully aware that you will not be able to pay back and then I can have a piece of your asset. Let me also tell you what all facilities this seaport has. It has an oil and gas bunkering facility then a natural gas power plant. It also has an airport then also has an industrial special economic zone and finally, it also has a wastewater infrastructure plant. These facilities are high-value economic segments Now let's look at the cover the support of Pakistan the whole cover. The city has been developed by the Chinese. It has an airport coal power plant, industrial economic zone. It has a steel plant, a petrochemical plant, and a freshwater treatment plant.
Similarly, if you see the Karachi seaport, there is a nuclear power complex. Kasim Coal Power Plant, Karachi Rail the utility than industrial Economic Zone, then Pakistan Remote sensing satellite and ground control. Even the creative under support has been developed by the Chinese So all these things have been developed by the Chinese not to forget the Railway alliance and roadways of the suspect project has been built by the Chinese. Now both the rather than 100 daughter supports are deepwater seaports. One should not be surprised if tomorrow China parks its aircraft carriers and submarines at these ports, in the future, these seaports will become Chinese naval bases. There is no doubt about that. And then we have also heard in the news a few months back China and Iran signed a $400 billion dollar deal. I believe Iran has some five or six seaports on the Persian Gulf side, and the rest of them are on the Caspian Seaside.

Military Hardware

Chopper support is the only part that has direct access to the Indian Ocean, although India has invested in the development of Cuba's support for getting access to Afghanistan and not just Afghanistan but also for moving freight between India, Russia, Iran, Europe, and Central Asia. The whole purpose of developing travel support was to counter Chinese presence in the Arabian Sea through the support to Pakistan and developing co other support. But now that China has signed such a huge deal with Iran again, no one should be surprised if China tomorrow utilizes Iranian ports that have shown if Iran grants permission, what can anyone do? So it is very much possible. So these are some challenges for India regarding the Chinese presence in the Indian Ocean, and if you remember in the beginning, I showed you to see Roots of China one towards the Indian Ocean and the other towards the Pacific Ocean towards the Indian Ocean.

Only India can counter China because, in the whole of Asia, the only nation that can stand up to China is India, both militarily as well as economically to secure and safeguard India's interest in the broader maritime neighborhood India is emerging the Indian Ocean with the Pacific Ocean in strategic towns. That is how bigger alliances can be formed, like Quad and the newly formed caucus. If you see Quad consists of India, Japan, Australia, USA. Similarly, orcas consist of Australia, the UK, and the USA. If you see Japan, Australia, and the USA, they have no business in the Indian Ocean. Australia has some steak. After all, the western part of Australia is the Indian Ocean. However, if you look at China Sea Route or South China Sea disputes, they are nowhere close to the Australian maritime border. By this logic, India is alone in the Indian Ocean. That is where we have to ask this question.
How much can the cord and Aucas help India in its broader maritime security challenges While it is necessary to make Americans and Europe involved at the same time, India also has to revisit this question? How much can the Cord and Aucas help India in its broader maritime security challenges in the Indian Ocean region? Indian naval bases in the Indian Ocean are quite active and they are very much capable of countering the Chinese vessels. We have been doing it for a long time, but we also have to agree with the fact that the Chinese space program is several decades ahead of India's efforts. China has a network of satellites in space that are constantly scanning the Indian Ocean region with digital technology, and they are keeping a track of Indian warships and aircraft carriers. Similarly, India is also aware of China's taking vein, which is free passage of cargo ships that are essential for the survival of Chinese industry So keeping all of this in mind, it is very much in India's interest.

The roll of UK and USA

If U. S, U. K, and France are involved there is an old saying. It is also there in Jonah Kenneth E. The activities of the enemy should always be monitored and if your enemy is also powerful, then a powerful enemy can only be defeated together. This is where south China disputes the Taiwan issue Hong Kong issue Tibet freedom issue, territorial disputes of China. They have 17 territorial disputes with its neighbors on land as well as see, all these issues have to come to the surface. Now. Even China is aware of what India wants and what India is doing. That is why you will see now and then. India China Border Dispute Comes into the limelight Sometimes in Ladakh or the trashcan or sycamore, an unnatural, prudish So basically, the Himalayan region is the perfect place to have a direct standoff. No diplomacy, nothing straightaway brawl.

Why? Because up in those high altitudes, bone-chilling cold regions, no country will come for India's support. If you look at the five veto countries, leave China and Russia. Do you think the American, British, or French troops are good at Cold Weather Mountain warfare? No, they are not. They cannot operate above 18,000 ft. CH. Glacier is the highest battleground on Earth. Any Rami has been operating and has a based on the session since 19 84 there is no Pakistani soldier There is no Chinese soldier on Siachen Glacier. There's only the Indian army. So anyhow, the point is, China wants to have one on one tussle with India, the Himalayan region where no other country will come. Even India is giving back properly. That is why, when the Galvin happened, who moved back? Of course, many of our soldiers died. But even India pushed back and did the same just to give you more evidence about what I'm saying.

Have you noticed When the Galvan standoff happened, the Chinese had put up tents instead of bunkers? In a real World Scenario, one Artillery Shelling will fry up the tents as well as inside men. Every army in the world knows that. That means the Chinese intentions were not to have a full-fledged war. They came to do some muscle-flexing. Both India and China know the repercussion of having a war. It will rain our economies, these border disputes that we are hearing now and then These are just man-to-man brawls to settle issues. And the Himalayan region is the perfect place where no one can get back up. So that is the whole thing Now the next problem is Pakistan occupied Kashmir. India has long been uncomfortable with China's investment in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. If you see the China Pakistan Economic Corridor, it passes through Gilgit Baltistan that is the Pook region, and then towards Islamabad and Peshawar.

C P okay is a disputed region. Just think about it. China has invested around 50 billion dollars in this CPAC project, which is part of China's one belt, one road initiative. CPIC passes through Pook which is a disputed territory, and please don't think for a second that China doesn't know it. China is very well aware of it. That means Kashmir is a territorial dispute between India and Pakistan, and China has no problem interfering in it. I mean, just think about it. If there is a dispute between two people, why would the third person invest money in it? There has to be a greater reason. That means China has deeply hidden interests. As for the Indian intelligence reports, most of the Pakistani-funded terror launch parts are in the Pook region, and China has built roads and cross-border optical fiber cables in the Pook region.

That means these terror camps will not harm Chinese investments Pakistan Army has a unit dedicated to protecting Chinese nationals and Sipek infrastructure, and everyone knows that Pakistan is China's proxy against India. Just like North Korea is a proxy of China against Japan so this is a greater concern for India. Had China not built its infrastructure through Pook, India would have not cared much about it. It is only because of Kashmir than Chinese. Funding to Pakistan has made India more hostile towards China. Now we have also heard in the news regarding China's growing influence in Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover. As I've discussed in my previous videos, you shouldn't be surprised if tomorrow China decides to build a connecting road from Peshawar to Kabul and even from Kabul to Iran, one should not be surprised if China does that. So I will repeat to secure and safeguard India's interest in the broader maritime neighborhood of the Indian Ocean India must make America and Europe involved in the Indo-Pacific region through cordon focus.

At the same time near the Himalayan region, the Indian army will take care of Pakistan and China. But India also needs the help of America and Europe for putting diplomatic pressure on Pakistan. See, you have to understand this in foreign policy and international diplomacy. Our regular logic will not work. I'll give you an example of what I'm saying. Between 2002 and 2013. Pakistan was a major non-NATO ally of the U. S and has been receiving funds and eight from the United States who was America fighting since 2000, and one Taliban who created Taliban, Pakistan, Veras, Osama Hiding in Abbottabad, Pakistan. One cannot be that dumb to understand that the CIA was not aware of Pakistan's connections, plus many of Pakistani generals after retirement. They live in Europe and America, and now everyone knows how the United States switched sides and legalized the Taliban regime. Just imagine, for 20 years you were fighting someone and told the whole world that they are your enemy and in the end, you turn them into good guys.
I think you will agree with me. This very well teaches us anything is possible in this world If that was not enough, another recent example is now Prime Minister. Modi is in America. He made Joe Biden as well as Kamala Harris. It is funny as well as ironic to see Kamala Harris condemning the Taliban while the foreign secretary is back in Pakistan. Two different statements. So you see, this is an example as to why the United States cannot be trusted. So what I'm saying is our regular logic will not work if we try to understand foreign policy and international diplomacy with our sense of morals and ethics. All these five NATO countries are ultimately bad boys. They did not reach where they are by being good boys, their bullies. It is a fact. Since 1947, India has maintained the policy of nonalignment. Sometimes here and their sites have been taken but officially on the face value India has maintained the policy of non-alignment.

There are reasons behind it. That was the era of the cold war We had our issues. We still have them. We didn't have a strong economy. Our political will was not strong and many more such issues. But today, international politics has changed a lot, and India has also grown economically. Therefore, it cannot remain non-aligned anymore, while India will try and maintain the relationship with everyone. But on strategic relations, India has to take aside. This is where things get a little complicated While India also knows about the United States' role in aiding Pakistan throughout the 80s and how that led to insurgents in Punjab and Kashmir, during the 80s and 90s. India knows all of this, but it cannot openly call out America and make an enemy of it. Similarly, China is the biggest threat to India, but then both countries maintain almost 100 billion worth of trade annually.

Diplomacy is full of contradictions, so what I'm saying is, while India is aware of the United States' direct or indirect rule in terrorism. But right now India also needs America's and other European country's support for putting international pressure on countries like Pakistan, China, and now the Taliban. And then there are other issues. Also, where India needs the Western countries' cooperation in matters like giving legitimacy to Indian vaccines so that Indian citizens don't face any restrictions in other countries. Then there are unresolved matters of India's approaches to the S- 400 missile defense system from Russia. The United States has said it will impose sanctions on India If it purchases as 400 missiles from Russia. So all these issues are there. It is complicated, and if you want to become a big nation, you have to go through this taking permission, sorting out interests. If you want to build leverage, then you have to play the politics of leverage.

Sometimes you have to bow down, take two steps behind. You have to do many other things. After all, all the wonderful things, as well as horrible things that have been done on this planet both, have come from the human mind. That is how countries build long-term leverages alone. It will be difficult for India to counter China and its proxies. So these are India's challenges in the Indian Ocean region and its border disputes with China. I hope you found this article informative Thank you for reading it.

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