Why San Marino is not a part of Italy?

A Brief Of San Marino

San Marino, the small little land on the Italian peninsula that speaks Italian eat Italian food looks like Italian, but for some reason is not a part of Italy. The small little country that is well known for being constantly beaten in football matches, making match betters all around the world. Very happy. The small little country who has the audacity rightfully so to call itself the most serene, the small little country who against all odds managed to maintain independence since the roman empire's days, the small little country who is basically at the mercy of Italy. So why san Marino still exists today as an independent country Well like Andorra, Liechtenstein, and Monaco san Marino is a surviving example of the typical medieval city-states in Europe. The story of San Marino can be traced back to the roman empire when this Christian dude marina emigrated from modern-day Croatia to the Italian peninsula he then became a deacon.

Photo by jonathan emili from Pexels


History Of San Marino

Later a lady claimed that marina's was her husband and thus marinas did what every normal guy would do, run away. He escaped to this mountain, built a church on it, and decided to hide during those days, the roman empire persecuted the Christians due to its geographical isolation. The Christians were able to find refuge in this mountain The owner of the mountain later officially gave the mountain to the Christians because she was a nice lady that was how the republic of San Marino was formed and it was named after this marina sky year went on and this tiny little harmless country was doing its own thing peacefully because nobody cares about this random rock. in the 13th century, San Marino decided to choose two people as its head of state, a tradition which persists until today, San Marino was a big fan of the pope and decided to gang up with the pope to beat up remedy city.

In return, the pope gave san Marino some lenses. In 1503, this illegitimate son of the Pope managed to occupy San Marino for a while, but later got scolded by the Pope and left the naughty boy. Then in 15 43, this nephew of Pope tried to invade san Marino but then got lost in a dense fog. So the people of San Marino said thank you to the ST as san Marino is tiny. It sought protection from the Pope and the Pope confirmed its independence in 1631. It was a big deal because in those days recognition from Pope meant that your country is legit. In 17 30 nine, this governor of pope managed to invade San Marino, but he got scolded by the Pope and left. Then napoleon came along and invaded Italy against all odds. San Marino was not invaded by napoleon nor absorbed into any Italian states So why did napoleon leave san Marino alone?

Well because the leader of san Marino at that time Antonio was a good friend of napoleon. Also, Napoleon was a huge fan of republicanism, ideals of liberty, and humanity something which san Marino embodies, napoleon offered to extend San Marino's territory, but san Marino rejected pro gamer move because when Napoleon was defeated, San Marino did not have to experience repercussions from neighboring Italian states during the Congress of Vienna Antonio managed to secure the independence of San Marino by being super good friends with the pope. During the Italian unification process, san Marino provided refuge for Garibaldi who was hunted by Austrian french Spanish, and Neapolitan troops. San Marino told Garibaldi that it did not wish to be absorbed into a unified Italy. Garibaldi, grateful to the people of San Marino agreed after Garibaldi beat the crap out of Southern Italy to form a unified Italy san Marino was left alone as an independent city-state as promised San Marino also made Abraham Lincoln and Honduras citizens because Republics is together strong, fast forward during world war one, Italy declared war on Austria.

Dispute Between San Marino And Italy 

Hungary San Marino decided to stay neutral. Italy was not happy because who knows SAN Marino might hide some pesky Austrian spice so Italy tried to send in some muscles to SAN Marino when SAN Marino did not comply. Italy cut off SAN Marino's telephone connections. Nevertheless, San Marino did have some volunteers who joined the Italian Army, 20 volunteers in total. Austria. Hungary was not happy with these 20 dudes and thus cut off diplomatic relations with San Marino in the interwar period, San Marino became fascist-like its neighbor and built railways during World War two, San Marino maintained neutrality. However, the brits still mistakenly bombed San Marino In September 1944. The Germans occupied San Marino but were later kicked out by the allies Throughout World war Two, San Marino provided refuge for more than 100,000 civilians, a huge effort considering that its inhabitants were numbered at around 15,000 citizens.
After World War two, San Marino fell in love with the communists, but since san Marino is so tiny and harmless, the United States did not bother to Vietnam the crap out of San Marino. In 1992, san Marino became a member of the United Nations but did not care to join the European Union until today. From history, San Marino has always been a nice dude, loving his God and the pope and helped its neighbors in times of need and so everyone wants to protect this small and nice dude and that's how SAN Marino maintained independence until today. The lesson here is to be nice to everyone because karma, most European countries did not get the memo. Today SAn Marino survives by banking, manufacturing, and being a popular tourist destination. San Marino also offers lower taxes than Italy, which attracted substantial foreign investments Nevertheless, as compared to other city-states like Monaco and Liechtenstein, san Marino's economy still lags far behind, still cannot into mega-rich.

Oh well, but at least San Marino did beat Liechtenstein in a football match something to celebrate. Indeed, we'll send Marino to continue to exist in the future, probably as long as it plays nice and be nice. Thanks for watching.

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