Myths & Facts about Acne/Pimples - Myths Busted

Acne/Pimples - Myths Busted 

Hi, Friends. Today, in this article, we will talk about misconceptions related to acne and myths. This article will discuss acne, how it develops, the reasons for its development, and the types of acne.

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 Friends, we observe that acne is prevalent in our teenagers; that is why our teenagers have to hear a lot of pieces of advice related to acne from friends and relatives and whole social media and the internet is full of facts and misconceptions related to acne, that is why we usually get confused that what is truth and what is wrong and which advice should be followed.

Myth among the teengers

 Friends First Myth is that Acne occurs only in teenagers. Although it is a fact that in 85 % of teenagers, Acne occurs, in 30 percent of males and females of adulthood or older age group also suffer from the problem of Acne. 

Another Myth

The second Myth is that Tanning of the skin Heals acne. This assumption is totally wrong; rather, this myth increases the chances of skin cancer and premature aging of your skin. Through the tanning of the skin, friends can camouflage the acne breakouts, but tanning does not help heal skin; rather, direct skin exposure to UV rays worsens the acne breakout. Friends Third Myth is if you Pop acne or pimple, it heals faster. This is also a very wrong assumption, a wrong fact. Friends, if you pop acne or pimple, bacterial pus, bacteria in the pus of the pimple burst out and come out on the surface of the skin, and this causes breakouts of the acne; due to this, we interfere with the normal healing process of the skin, friends due to this if you want to fasten the healing process of pimples without bursting it out or popping it, for that we can apply Benzoyl Peroxide or salicylic acid on the pimples, or you can apply hydrocolloid bandages, with the help of this treatment healing of the pimples get fasten and your tendency of bursting or popping of pimples and irritation reduces.


 Friends Next misconception is there is no need for moisturization of Acne-prone skin. Friends, this is absolutely wrong; if you do not moisturize the skin, there will be too much irritation and a breakout of acne increase. That is why even your skin is oily, moisturization must be done, but friends, you should take care of whichever moisturizer you use. It should not contain any added fragrance, Cocoa butter, parabens, or mineral oil. While buying a moisturizer, you should always take care that oil-free and Non-Comedogenic should be written on it to be sure that any of such ingredients could not irritate your skin.

 Friends' next misconception is that if you do not wash your face or your face remains dirty, you can develop acne. Friends, this is totally wrong; if you forget to wash your face, that does not mean that you will get acne; in contrast, that if you wash your face repeatedly or wash vigorously, the skin of the face gets irritated, chances of getting acne increase, instead of this you should wash your face with gentle cleanser two times in day routinely, prevention from The acne can be done. Friends' next misconception is that acne can be cured by the application of toothpaste. Friends, this is also very wrong thinking, there is no truth in this, application of the toothpaste causes drying of the acne and pimples and harsh ingredients of toothpaste to clog the small openings and pores of the skin, in fact, due to this chances of the breakout of acne increases, and sometimes due to application of toothpaste, there is red itchy sensation occur on the face of the people which is known as contact dermatitis. If you develop the same, you should immediately consult with a skin specialist or with a dermatologist. Friends' next misconception is acne develops overnight. Although this is true, a breakout of acne can happen overnight, but the growth of acne beneath the skin takes time from days to months. Friends' next assumption of acne is not genetic. 

The Truth

Friends multiple studies have shown that if even any one of the parents has acne, developing acne in children is very high. It is because It has been observed that children of the parents who have suffered from acne show a strong inflammatory response against this bacteria. Children of such parents are more sensitive to hormonal changes. Friends next Fact is acne cures by itself; friends, this is also wrong, acne is a chronic condition, and in some people, it may persist for a long time, even for years. Still, if it persists for years and does not get cured, you should immediately consult with a dermatologist or skin specialist. 

Friends' next misconception is that acne occurs only in oily skin. Friends having acne does not depend on skin type; although chances of getting acne are higher in oily skin, acne occurs in dry skin. Friends next myth are acne occurs due to junk food like pizza, burger, but in research, it has been observed that junk food is bad for overall health, but there is no relation to junk food with having or not having acne.

 Friends Next are Acne is a communicable disease or contagious. Friends, this is absolutely also a wrong fact, acne does not spread from one person to another if somebody suffers from acne then without any tension, you can shake hands with them, you can touch them, can kiss them even you can share your room with them, can your towels, can share your utensils, can share your soap. Friends' next myth is acne occurs because of stress, friend the reason for this assumption is acne usually seen in teenagers, and teenagers often due to hormonal changes and their carrier point of view remain in a lot of stress. Still, stress has nothing to do with acne development. Friends' next fact is that acne occurs because of masturbation; there is no truth in this; masturbation has nothing to do with acne development; instead, the body's mental and physical tension gets relieved by masturbation. 

Friends Next Myth is lack of sleep results in acne. Friends often have observed that due to lack of sleep, the production of a hormone called cortisol increases in the body which flares up the breakout of the acne. Hopefully, this information will be useful to you; we request your encouragement To subscribe to our channel and press the bell icon. Thanks

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