The Muslim Culture | Birth of TABLIGHI JAMAAT tablighi jamaat

Muslim Tablighi Jamaat

Why three Muslim nations Band tablighi jamaat. Why the Pakistan counter terrorism expert dr foreign jacket stated that tablighi jamaat is known as the terrorist nursery. And also he said that tablighi jamaat has relations with terrorist organizations. What exactly happened in Islam within Marcus international conference day? Those who came here, those who participated in this, and those who went to different places from this gathering have become the carriers of coronavirus. This has been a major discussion in all sections of media and the government itself is wondering as to how could this gathering happen these many people from these many countries and that too. In terms of lockdown, how did they get to do this? Home Ministry has ordered an inquiry on this.


The media never presented any of these things. It's busy and spreading the fake news is as if the whole Muslim communities spreading corona awareness. No, it's not fair to blame the entire Muslim community, just because of the atrocities done by few fools. First of all, how many of you know that there are a few people from huji Bangladesh roaming around in disguise as public members in India. You're getting what I'm saying, I'm not even blaming Tabliki Jamaat members. I'm talking about the thieves who entered from Bangladesh with fake visas and passports on a mission to spread corona They are from this terrorist organization called chip Harkat ul Jihad al Islami Bangladesh, Please don't blame Indian Muslims, do you think they can commit things like this? No way. But people say Tabliki Jamaat was born in India. Yes, it was born in India Way before independence in 1926 when there was no Pakistan and Bangladesh in 1924.

The History Of Tablighi Jamaat

The failure of the elephant movement and the abolishment of Ottoman culture led Muslims into a great demise to counter the influence of British colonialism and to revive the faith among Muslims Whereas Muslim leaders lost their lives in the effort The smartest of the leaders is Mohammed Ali Yasin Mohammed Ismail because he is the first one to establish an organized structure to propagate Islam. He was born in the village of Kandla in 18 86. By the age of 20, he was a scholar. He studied Arabic and questioned in his early years and went on to enroll during the o bon. However, he's called to service has come in the year 1925 to dedicate his life to refund Muslim India. When he returned from his pilgrimage from Mecca Mohammad Ilyas organized, graduate from the open and Sharon pool, and sent them to the southwestern region of Delhi in a place called Maywand, the main purpose of it is establishing a network of masks and schools for its inhabitants.

Although he did not officially assign any name to this movement, the group soon earned its title from the local people who simply call them tabloids. All those who propagate the message. Mohammad Ilyas died in the year 1944 following severe fighting an intestinal infection due to his rigorous effort to spread Islam this moment now has 80 million members in 100 50 countries worldwide and is the single largest Muslim movement in modern times. But it all began in India. Tabliki means outreach in English or campaign Jamet means group. So, Tablighi Jamaat means a group of religious preachers who campaign about Islam. The headquarters of all the 1 50 countries is located in Islamabad, in Delhi. They call this place as Marcus allow me Marcus Bunglawala mistreat, this is the main center hundreds in India. The company has an estimate of 12-18 million members. It's just an estimate because there won't be any legal membership kind of a thing in public Jamaat.

This is an amorphous organization What is the reason behind starting this in India? In May, why did Mohammad Ilyas choose may want as his main target. 70 km south to daily. There is a place known as my wad which is a hub of Rajasthan Punjab and Haryana. The Muslims in this area used to follow certain Hindu traditions and culture as well. Apart from doing the daily enemas, they used to get married as per Hindu tradition and ritual, they used to wear a turban-like Hindus, they celebrated the engine and also celebrated Holi Diwali Tatra etcetera. This led to a lot of internal flashes among Muslims, Muslims felt that they will have no future left if we let this happen because in the Hindu culture there was no these many restrictions and practices which suffocate the human being to the core, there is no one particular god, there is no one particular book in the same home five people worship five different gods and nobody has an issue in the family Muslims were enjoying it on all levels, so looking at the natural tendency of Muslims relaxing into Hindu culture, few Muslims felt insecure This insecurity later down into hatred then turned into rage and eventually lead to a big moment by Maulana Mohammad Ilyas called Public Math in 1926.

The Mission Of Tablighi Jamaat

Its primary mission is hey muscle manner to muscleman Bono. That means they are Muslims, you better live like Muslims, they wanted to strengthen the code even though they are not successful because the Sufi tradition stands out to be a completely different breed of the Islamic religion. People like Shahrukh khan Salman khan Americans etcetera don't follow the Muslim category. If you look at the rules that are public each month, I'm sure you have a lot of Muslim friends who sing and dance and socialized pencils. So W. J. Meth was a revivalist movement that tried to Purify Islam by eliminating the un Islamic practices which had crept into the Muslim society through the ages. By 1927, the organization was said to have been instrumental in converting half Muslims into pure Muslims. Bring back the Muslims who are living united with windows 1920-30 was the time when religious conversions took place in myself scale all over the country.

The dominant people of that region, the Rajput may vote was severely prompted this Islamic calamity, they were forcefully converted into Islam. The Muslim Rajput in Haryana, the largest that we see today is converted on this basis in pushing a new generation into religious fundamentalism for religious conversions. There is no other company that is equal to mammoth on a mission to craft a group of religious preachers, working with a sense of devotion to the Muslim world is the formation of the public mammoth. Now let's look at the management and structure of the publication Meth, it has two subsystems The head of the first subsystem is called an army. The world of an army must be treated like an addict. He's like a supreme hand. And what we have seen in the first video is the sharing from a mere himself, he heads W. H a month to the coal.

He slammed it so nicely in its post. You must read it now. The second subsystem is called Sugar. This is a small group, a core group of members who are essentially advisors to America. So army and shura. The work that these two groups must do is do a cruise and tabliki. It's tema Dawa Dua means in white. Every Muslim will go to other Muslim home shops out of the place where they're staying and invite them for the fourth prayer that happens every Friday or Mohammed walker charlie's john Opie that we thank you. My food is to walk around you and challenge you wanna Pakistan Afghanistan about a correct man in Colombia. Walk around. I'm a shark Columbia market walk around UK essay was Allah during this time coffee of six million just around on the situation handled just right for a man yet.

He didn't say, baby, I'm lou cassata you might have seen on every Thursday and you must eat a few people wearing short Belgium long cartas, A copy of flowing beard and no mustache will be roaming around in the streets, local shops, and informed they must come to the Hamas which is referred to as Madrid, no mas, the act of inviting like this is called Muslims do numbers five times a day. They are father Dzhokhar as a moderate Anisha, Panama's happens at around 7 30 to 8 in the evening before that, at around 6 to 6 30. What they do is known as Maghrib Mama's So they go on inviting people to attend the Maghrib Hamas and it's called, this is the first act of driving people towards the religion. Now the second duty that they do is a cruise. Usually, they have people who want to take a draw for 10 days, 15 days, 40 days, 1 50 days, and even 3 65 days sacrificing all their work and personal life, go on a tool to different villages propagating Islam, this is not as gurus.

some people say that there are Muslims who have come from Indonesia and different other countries and drumming in carnal knowledge, conduct, criminal partner, etcetera in almost all the streets across the nation, this is what is known as crews there on the duty. They have come as part of Cruz for a minimum of 40 days, which is referred to as Chila. This is the second duty, not the third one is WGBH tema, that means once in a year, everyone is brought together and a mecca, even disorganized tabliki, it's mohd moments gathering, all the Islamic followers across the world come together in a mega gathering. So w G it's the moment outreach mega convention people might not have observed this, wh they are happening but right from October and November itself this doubling it somehow has been happening in all districts of Telangana, for example, in normal, there was a large duplicate summer gathering, after which there were religious rights in by himself.

The Investigation Of Tablighi Jamaat

Police are investigating whether the blinds are right and the obligation to have any link after that happened in Karim. Before the lockdown. The Indonesians who came to public, it's, a and Kareem. they were roaming around in Jakarta boulevard, seriously, and they were all caught up in Corona. The police have also reported that they have not only made religious propaganda in all these areas but also made anti-Semitic propaganda It has been revealed that the Popular Front of India PF party provides all the facilities for the affairs of public activists in India. These W Gates summer programs are held in 1 50 countries around the world, the world's largest public. It some of which also holds The Guinness Book of World Record takes place in Bangladesh. It happens in the village on the outskirts of Dhaka city in Bangladesh. This is called wish for Eczema They call it bits for eczema in Bangladesh.

The twisted Watson that they pronounce, which is expected to get over 20 lacks people according to the Guinness Book of World regards this is the second-largest congregation after the mecca congregation. Also in the areas of Navarre strips home in rival Lahore Pakistan public It's Emma is held every year in our country. The biggest duplicates of myself in Bhopal are multiple meshes every year. The headquarters of the whole, similar around the world is the Bunglawala machine in assembled in Delhi. The complications don't refer to this as a machine but they refer to this as a center to language it's not as markets, so Marcus means sent up. This is duplicated Zaman's headquarters. There is no need to have any opposition to the activities of the Jamaat a militant of Mascara diver, Julian Assange has exposed the secret information of America. These are the carriers of coronavirus.

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